The IQA (Independant Quality Assurance) label stands for a quality certificate on training and certification of professional ability and safety at work.
Certified candidates have passed in theoretical and practical assessments in accordance with the qualification standards of the IQA registry. Each employee/employer can consult this register to check the authenticity and accuracy of the certificate check. You can find on
The certificates for high risk tasks and other safety features are conform to Belgian law and European directives and standards. These certificates are valid in all countries of the European Community.
The Commission is working with the European Agency for welfare and safety at work and the European Foundation for the improvement of living and working conditions, to disseminate information, to offer guidance as well as promotion of better working conditions.
Legal status: Directive 89/391/EEC relating to measures to improve well-being at work:
• Encourages the initiatives on improvement of health, safety and well-being at work in all sectors, both private, for profit.
• Promotes the rights of the worker safety and health to make proposals, to consult the competent authorities and to stop work in dangerous conditions.
• Examines how to adequately protect workers and ensure that they are in healthy and safe conditions to finish their tasks